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Showing posts from May, 2018

My First Self Solo Ola Auto Experience

With every passing second city limits are expanding. Thousands of people are floating to city to fulfill their dreams. And what all you get to see is traffic, traffic and traffic. People travel with every possible mode of transport – metro, locals, cabs, and what not, just to avoid to traffic. What has best happened is the introduction of Ola and Uber cabs. Ola and Uber have made significant difference in lives of riders as well as drivers. They have given a great source of earning to thousands of drivers across India. I have traveled though cabs many times, but recently I got introduce to Ola Auto. I have heard about Ola cabs, but Ola Auto was all a different. So the experience I am sharing is my first self solo Ola trip in Auto. Booking an Ola Auto I regularly go office by my own bike, but unfortunately bike ran out of patrol. So the first thing that struck was a private auto or cab. So I decided to book Ola to work. Firstly I downloaded the app and perfor...

Happy birthday to Roy

My Creation to the birthday girl From the thousand stars of imaginations, That girl, Asks the universe stars, to shine upon and brighten her life, Because today is her birthday to enjoy. That girl, Who fights with never ending brawls, When I anoy and tease her, Whose love for me is boundless. That girl, Who celebrates with joy, love, reailience and compassion, Today and every single day, We wish her, A very happy birthday, To celebrate, To sing birthday song, And help her make a wish, And blow out that candles, To make big wish.

Solution to Hungarian Ring Puzzle

Hungarian Rings or Devil's Circle is a sliding puzzle consisting of  two interwoven rings, which has several color labeled that you cannot take out. Challenge: The challenge is to set the balls so that the corresponding colors are next to each other. There are some variations where more than two circles are used or the two circles are not place or the balls are marked by numbers not by colors. Hungarian Rings Solution Every state is considered to be a valid solution where the four colors are coherent. In my case I have 10 balls of red, 10 black, 9 blue, and 9 yellow. Different models can have different colors but the solution here presented is with four colors. Ok, So my rings state is like this in below picture. Jumbled Rings First of all solve intuitively, one set of colors which have 10 balls(black) on the right. Then solve the next set of colors having 10 balls (red) on the left.  When this is done, try arranging the inner colors the y...