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Barong Dance - Bali

Barong dance is one of the most iconic and well known dance-drama of Bali, Indonesia. The dance depicts spectacular Balinese tradition. This dance is held in several theater in Batubulan village or Umedwi village and takes about one hour. Barong dance is a beautiful dance presenting the battle between the good and the evil. This dance is is a classic example of Balinese way of acting out mythological, resulting in myth and history, being blend into reality.

Barong dance is classic story of good (The Barong) triumphing over evil (The evil witch Rangda). Barong is a large lion/dragon like animal which is played by two men, Rangda is epitome of evil with long fingernails. The dance is meant to dispel evil.


The dance starts with music over tone

Followed by his friend the monkey, the tiger comes up. Three masked, dances appear, representing meri making palmwine in the forest, whose child is killed by the tiger. The three men get angry and attack the tiger which is help by the monkey. During the fight the nose of one of the three men is bitten off.

First Act:

Two girl dancers appear, representing the servants of the Rangda, looking for the servarites of Dewi Kunti who are on the way to meet their paith (Prime Minister).

The first servant of Kunti

Second Act:

The servants of Dewi Kunti come. One of the servants of the Rangda changes into a witch. Witch enters to make them both angry. They meet their Paith and together to Dewi Kunti.

Third Act:

Dewi Kunti and her son, Sedewa come up. Dewi Kunti had promised the Rangda to sacrifice Sadewa. A witch appears and enters Dewi Kunti. She becomes angry and orders the Paith to bring Sadewa into the forest. The Paith is also entered by a witch so he does not have Rity on Sadewa. Sadewa is then taken into forest and tied up on the tree.

Fourth Act

Unknown by Rangda, Siwa, God appears and gives Sadewa immorality. The Rangda appears and is ready to kill Sadewa and earn him up but Sadewa is still alive.
She then surrenders and asks him to reedem herself, Sadewa agress and kills Rangda. The Rangda then goes to heaven.

Fifth Act: 

One of the servsntd of the Rangda called Kalika, comes up before Saweda and asks him to redeem herself too but Sadewa refuses. Kalika gets angry, and change herself into a boar and fights sadewa. The boar gets defeated and she later changes herself  into a bird but gets defeated again. At last she changes into Rangda, Sadewa can not kill her in such circumstances. 
Sadewa meditates and then he changes himself into a Barong. Still Rangda seems to be too poerful and the fight is unended. Followers of the Barong appear and help him fight the Rangda.


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