The Navrachna School sama, vadodara student - Divya Bhojani. Every child is special in their own way and their interests range from nuclear fusion to medicine to sports and many. The main factor influencing child's development these days are things such as television, friends, music, mobiles and other gadgets and no doubt, kids are becoming dependent and gettings used to them. No doubt Divya is among one of the influenced kid but to a limit. And this where the role of his parents reflect in his development. I have known Divya since his childhood. The 8 year old kid is quite talented in his area of interest. Divya is... lets see A Sports lover: Like Divya , many childrens today are influenced to a variety of sports before they learn to read. He tried different sports(Skating, Cricket, Soccer, Rope Malkham) at camps. It didn't take long for Divya to find his bliss for sports. At 4, Divya loved taking Skating and Soccer classes. He ...
Good Solution. its worked for me.
ReplyDeleteGood Solution.
ReplyDeleteThank You very much.
Thank you
DeleteThank you so much, i have been looking for a solution since maybe 6 months now but this one solved it finally.
ReplyDeleteGood to hear that from you El-Moez. Thank you for posting a comment.
ReplyDeleteThis fixed it but every time I shut down my computer and restart I have to do it again. Is there a permanent fix?
ReplyDeleteTry to relaunch the outlook once you have saved the settings.
DeleteHope this can solve your problem.