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The Star Kid

The Navrachna School sama, vadodara student - Divya Bhojani.

Every child is special in their own way and their interests range from nuclear fusion to medicine to sports and many.

The main factor influencing child's development these days are things such as television, friends, music, mobiles and other gadgets and no doubt, kids are becoming dependent and gettings used to them.

No doubt Divya is among one of the influenced kid but to a limit. And this where the role of his parents reflect in his development. I have known Divya since his childhood. The 8 year old kid is quite talented in his area of interest.

Divya is... lets see

A Sports lover:

Like Divya, many childrens today are influenced to a variety of sports before they learn to read. He tried different sports(Skating, Cricket, Soccer, Rope Malkham) at camps. It didn't take long for Divya to find his bliss for sports. At 4, Divya loved taking Skating and Soccer classes. He took keen interest in sports day held in school's and stood 2nd. Here are some of his old memories.

Not just a pose, He does play well.

Stood second in running race.

"Loving a sport will teach children vital life skills-- discipline, motivation, commitment and cooperation."

Its completely on the children how effectively they use computer, laptop or tablets for internet use. Some use it for the purpose of gaming, social media, online music and videos, downloading but there are some who use it effectively. They use it as a learning tool.

A good internet surfer:

It didn't take long for Divya to start browsing internet and learning new things from it. At 6, he started using YouTube to learn origami. All day then he use to sit and fold sheets or paper and make as many new thing he could.

The star made a big star

His origami collection.

Check out Divyas YouTube channel..

Cube solver:

Learning cube steps and algorithms from YouTube and PDF made Divya more engrossed into solving it. He took it as a challenge and today he has several types of cubes. With each passing day he is upgrading his skills and intensifying the speed to solve the cube faster within minutes.

His cube collection and yes he does solve them

The major role is played by his parents guiding him in right direction and molding him for his future. Apart from such activities look what he really does in his regular life.

Have a look

loves travelling.

encourages his mother for women marathon and goes out cycling.

Accompanies his father on Independence Day with his royal enfield team
And yes never bunks school.
Last but not the least we enjoy each others company though more age difference.

We never fight.


  1. Divya seems to be a talented kid.... And no doubt his blogger friend has got awesome writing skills😊.

  2. Perfectly expressed. ^Khele..^


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