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Sundog - The Pleasant Quietude


My biggest question - Do you wake up early?

If you don't, and usually wake up late, try waking up and getting up early in the morning for several days. When I say to wake up, it's not just wake up, but get out of your bed, wash your face and take a warm shower, you will feel energized.

One can discover early morning hours are so peaceful, beautiful and relaxing. There is a magical and pleasant quietude. No loud noise, no yelling and no errands to run. No one to disturb or distract you. One can choose to meditate, take a walk, read or write, or anything one can enjoy the piece before starting their day.

In the pen name of Tammanna.
28th Nov, 2018 was a beautiful morning when Tamanna felt the cool winter breeze touching her soft cheeks and blowing right through her hair. Standing tall in her room's balcony she praised the morning beauty, its silence, sound of chirping birds, and the color changing sky - from dark shade it was turning to orange and then to yellow till the sun was completely up in the sky. While Tamanna was deeply preoccupied with the morning sun rising she noticed a fragment of Halo or Sundog bright in the sky directly to the left of the sun. Halo/Sundog is much similar to rainbow.

Perplexed Tamanna never knew nature can gift human with such beautiful mornings too. She noticed this rainbow colored cloud and became a victim of misleading identity of the morning.

Sundogs offer another opportunity to see fragment of rainbow int he sky. They always appear directly to left or right side of the sun.  Noticing the nature's phenomenon she sipped the last sip of her coffee and quoted from Roman Payme -

O, Sunlight! The most precious gold to be found on Earth.


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